Sunday 22 September 2019

Why Borneo?

The plan for Borneo came from a discussion with one of my daughters and her partner who were backpacking around Asia and invited me to join them for part of their Asian adventure.  We tossed up a few ideas and decided we all loved animals and should head to Borneo to see Orangutans in the wild whilst we still could.

To cut through the suspense....yes we did see a number of Orangutans in the wild and it was the experience we were hoping for!

We did a bit of research and decided to not over plan this adventure.  Our plan consisted of meeting in KL and spending three days there before heading to Borneo where we would work it out as we went.  I may of done a wee bit more research in the background and found that you could climb the mountain shown in the picture above (Mount Kinabalu - 4095 meters), so added that to my agenda and booked this in advance.  Everything else was booked on the ground from Borneo.

Flying around Asia is relatively cheap and we did all the internal flight bookings as we needed them.

We used standard apps (such as Airbnb) for booking accommodation locally. We avoided tours and western hotels which were came at a premium price.

We decided not to do any car hire whilst we were travelling and made good use of the Uber equivalent for Asia - called Grab.  This is a brilliant service, much cheaper than taxis and other transport options.  Driving on Asian roads is an experience - all part of the adventure!

This blog is primarily for family and friends who were interested in the trip we did - but welcome and enjoy the photos of our Borneo experience.

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